Personal Project 1: Plant Problem

 Plant Problem

We as humans tend to forget about our household plants and they go without water. My goal is to use the Arduino to get the moisture level of the surrounding environment to tell us if we need to water the plant. I wanted to use a piezo to play different frequencies for how much water the plant needs.

Initial Setups

This is the initial setup that I built to do my trial run to get the values that the sensor will read.

This was the code I used to get the initial reads and the max value read 1023 and the min value was around 260. 

In this video it was a test to figure the min and max moisture levels. I use a mug of water to achieve this and went ahead to use the results to figure out my ranges for the frequencies.

During the testing I realized that the test build is going to be the final build as I do not need to change any of the circuit.

Final Coding

After getting the initial tests I went and created the frequencies and the appropriate variables to allow me to be able to do this.

This had worked out better than I thought it would. As the moisture in the sensor changed the sound the piezo would make did change. 

Final Thoughts

This coding was not built for every plant; the ranges will need to be altered per plant depending on how they live. In the following video because it had just rained there was no sound which is good because it should not be telling us to water the ground. I also used the ground outside since I dont own a plant. I also removed the sensor to show that its position could change the readins also showing that it will produce different sounds based on the reading. Remember that if you use this for a home plant and have animals or it's in a windy spot to fasten the sensor down. This project all in all is simple and easy to do and complete.


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