Project 7: Keyboard Instrument

                     Homework 7: Keyboard Instrument

For this project we are going to be making a small keyboard instrument. This project will also utilize the piezo and will have four notes that correspond to four push buttons. I went ahead and put the circuit together and here is also the schematic view and parts list.


The coding was simple. We got to use arrays here and are needed so make sure you remember array data types. We will have 4 values stored in the array to get played when each button gets pressed. Each will play a different sound. The first button closest to the piezo will be low pitch and will grow higher as you move to the last button. 

Finished Product

When everything is together, we get a nice little piano. I will say without a multimeter to check which resistors are which I had to use Tinker Cad and run trial and error to figure out my resistors. I hate how the 10kilohms and the 220ohms are basically the same color, just different orientation on the resistor. This had it so that 2 out of 4 of my buttons worked. If yours is not working double check your resistors.

WARNING video has loud sounds caution if volume settings are high.


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