Project 8: Digital Hourglass

Homework 8: Digital Hourglass

For this project we are going to be making a digital hourglass. This project will utilize the tilt sensors and Led’s. The tilt sensor will tell us when to reset our code to restart the lighting process. I went ahead and built the circuit and added the components list and a schematic view.


The coding this time introduced a new function and use. We had used millis() before but this time we use it to check how much time has passed. We don't use delay because we still want the rest of the code to function. The code has a few spots for user rewrite. There is an if(led==7) you can do what you want, maybe play a sound or something else. I also edited the interval so that in the video at the end you can see it work. The tilt sensor's location is how we know when to reset the lightening process.

Finished Product

After adding user touches and getting everything hooked up, we get a nice little digital hourglass that has the user capability to expand on this project. I liked this one and it was interesting. I was smart after the last project to get my resistors labeled so I can have an easier time figuring out which is which.


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