Project 4

 Homework 4 Color Changing Lamp

This project we are going to create a color changing lamp that will use three different transistors to calculate a red, green and blue value separately. I went ahead and built the circuit.

On the breadboard the circuit can be rearranged for spacing but when it comes to the wires on the Arduino uno. The analog in could be different but the wires need to be connected to a PWM indicated by the ~.


I followed along to the book in the starter kit and did not have to make any changes to the code since I did not change the wires connected to the PWM pins.


The code will take in the value read from the transistors to determine which amount of green blue and red will be applied to the color changing led.

Final Product 

After verifying the code and sending it to the arduino it works. The only problem I have is lighting issues. The green is very hard to see. The light also needs to have more light to work but with more light it is harder to see the color change.


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